Our goal is to provide quality medical care of your foot care needs.
Although maintaining a clean office is always important to us, we are taking extra efforts to make your visit here as safe as we can, including sanitizing each exam room between patients, frequent hand washing, and staggering our patients so that you should not have to sit in a crowded waiting room.
If you have recently felt ill, we would encourage you to reschedule your visit. We respect your safety as we strive to take care of your needs, and are prayerful that the spread of the Covid-19 virus will be minimal in this area!
My Philosophy
My mission is to provide comprehensive, state of the art medical treatment of the foot and ankle in a compassionate, professional environment. I believe that prompt diagnosis, early intervention and prevention are essential for the care and treatment of your foot. I welcome you as a patient to my podiatry practice and am grateful that you have chosen us me the health care provider for your feet.
This web site has been designed to offer information and answer frequently asked questions. I want you to feel comfortable in my office. Please do not hesitate to discuss areas of concern. Everyone in this office is a trained professional and works as a team member, taking pride in her own work.